Travel Funding Support
The availability of funding for graduate student travel related to conference participation and summer school program attendance is determined on a year-by-year basis, according to budgetary considerations.
The most recent policies regarding travel funding, which pertain to Academic Year 2024-25, can be found here.
Active philosophy graduate students can apply for travel funding by submitting a request through the:
Requests must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the start of the conference.
Before any travel, you must review University policy.
The Office for Global Safety and Security (OGSS) has specific rules for travelling graduate students here:
All eligible graduate and professional students traveling internationally for University purposes must enroll in GeoBlue, the University’s Global Health Insurance program. They also must adhere to the following requirements:
- Register their trip with OGSS through the Northwestern Travel Registry, regardless of destination. Exceptions apply for travel to one’s home country. Proof of registry may be required for reimbursement or travel reconciliation upon return.
- Follow other relevant graduate student travel policies.