2021-22 Department Activities

The 2021-22 academic year witnessed a host of engaging activities in NU's department of Philosophy, from our Colloquia Series to our various student-led Philosophical societies.
Dear Alumni and Friends,
This has been a very exciting year, full of new developments and initiatives. Perhaps the most impactful new development was the return to campus. Although it was complicated, going back to in-person interactions and in-person teaching has been a blessing for the philosophy community. As you will read in this Newsletter, in addition to the outstanding achievements of our students and faculty, the department is growing even stronger by adding several colleagues to our ranks...
The 2021-22 academic year witnessed a host of engaging activities in NU's department of Philosophy, from our Colloquia Series to our various student-led Philosophical societies.
All the latest news on NU Philosophy faculty activities this year, including recent honors, awards, and publications.
For the community service project undertaken by this year’s senior class, our students established a volunteer program connecting Northwestern and the Moran Center for Youth Advocacy in Evanston.
The department's annual PhilFEST, in which honors students present their research, is the highlight of our undergraduate community’s academic year.
The Northwestern Prison Education Program (NPEP) was born of the selfless dream of NPEP director Jennifer Lackey, the Wayne and Elizabeth Jones Professor of Philosophy.
All the information on this year's student recipients of departmental awards.
Bright futures lie ahead for our senior undergraduates.
Last year, we lost a dear friend, colleague, and teacher, Stephen J. White. Though tragically short, his career was rich with accomplishments and honors.
Support the Philosophy Department with your generosity.