Resources at the Law School
JD/PhD program
Students may apply to participate in the Northwestern JD PhD program, and if accepted, will receive both a PhD from the Philosophy Department and a JD from the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. In most ways, students in the program are treated in the same way as other graduate students in the Philosophy Department. The requirements of the Philosophy Department are modified, however, to allow time for completion of the JD coursework and to incorporate the expertise gained through that study into the PhD program; see department handbook for more detailed timeline.
Resources at Pritzker law school
Students interested in integrating legal materials or issues into their research are encouraged to take advantage of the resources (both materials and research librarians) available at the Pritzker legal research center (the law library) and to attend courses offered by, or otherwise consult with, professors in the law school with serious interest in philosophy-adjacent matters:
As well as emeritus professor of law, Bob Burns