Additional Programs
Additional Northwestern programs for students with interests in European philosophy at Northwestern University
French Interdisciplinary Group (FIG)
Founded in 1996 FIG supports presentations, seminars, and colloquia on French or francophone studies, on French scholarship, and presentations by French visitors in all disciplines. It offers two regular speakers’ series, the Causeries, for undergraduates, and the Cafés Philosophiques, organized by and for graduate students.
FIG supports graduate studies as well. It provides small summer grants, actively collaborates with the Paris Program on Critical Theory and the dual PhD Program in International and Intercultural Studies in partnership with the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). It is actively involved in the management and development of graduate exchange programs with the École Normale Supérieure, rue d’Ulm and the École Normale Supérieure, Lyon. FIG works to form new partnerships and programs with French institutions of higher education, notably Sciences Po, the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). For more information about FIG, click here.
Critical Theory Program
Graduate students in relevant fields can participate in Northwestern’s Interdisciplinary Cluster in Critical Theory. The cluster provides a thorough introduction to critical theory through a structured, interdepartmental curriculum. Exposure to critical theory is highly recommended for cross-disciplinary students of literature, philosophy, politics, culture, the visual arts, gender and race studies, rhetoric, and society, post-colonial and postmodern studies. For more information about the Interdisciplinary Cluster in Critical Theory, click here.
Northwestern University Paris Program in Critical Theory
Annually affords five Northwestern graduate students from different disciplines a one year research period in Paris familiarizing themselves with French and European theoretical research, with the fall quarter spent in the weekly research seminar of Program Director, Avalon Professor of the Humanities at Northwestern University, Sam Weber. For more information about the Paris Program, click here.