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A Message from the Chair

This has been a very exciting year, full of new developments and initiatives. As you will read in this Newsletter, in addition to the outstanding achievements of our students and faculty, the department is growing even stronger by adding a new colleague to our ranks.

In recent years we have recruited stellar junior faculty to our department. In 2024, we are very excited to have recruited one more outstanding assistant professor who will join the department next year: Morgan Thompson. Professor Thompson’s research lies at the intersections of philosophy of science, feminist philosophy, and the use of ‘race’ and ‘racism’ concepts in science. She received her PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to joining us, she has held postdoctoral positions at Cornell University and Universität Bielefeld in Germany. We are delighted to welcome Professor Thompson in Fall 2024.

As in past years, our ongoing initiatives open to all members of Northwestern’s undergraduate community include student-run groups such as the Northwestern Undergraduate Philosophy Society (NUPS) and the Bussey Society (formerly known as WiPhi, Women and Gender Nonconforming People in Philosophy), as well as the PhilFEST to celebrate senior students who write senior theses in the Honors Program. This year NUPS organized the Northwestern Philosophy Society Conference on Applied Ethics, with two full days of talks on May 17 and 18. The keynote speaker for the NUPS conference was one of the leading scholars in the world in the area of ethics, Professor Christine Korsgaard (Harvard University). We are very proud of the initiative, creativity, and hard work of our undergraduate students in organizing this very successful conference. All these initiatives and activities are only possible thanks to the continued efforts and engagement of the department’s undergraduate community.

To continue making our undergraduate program as vibrant and productive as possible, we constantly think about ways to further improve our students’ experience. These include

The continued generosity of our alumni enables us to make this department a thriving, energetic, and welcoming environment. Any donation specifically earmarked as a gift to the philosophy department is used wholly to strengthen our programs and activities and to benefit philosophy students. A gift of $1,000, $500, $100, or even $25 makes a considerable difference.

Thank you for your continuing friendship with the Philosophy Department and for your ongoing commitment to Northwestern.


Dr. José Medina

Professor and Chair

To make a gift online, please visit us at You may also phone in a contribution to the development office at 847-467-3737.

Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Professor of Philosophy and Chair 

To make a gift online, please visit us at  You may also phone in a contribution to the development office at 847-467-3737. 

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