A Message from the Chair
This has been a very exciting year, full of new developments and initiatives. As you will read in this Newsletter, in addition to the outstanding achievements of our students and faculty, the department is growing even stronger by adding several colleagues to our ranks.
We are very excited to have recruited three outstanding assistant professors who will join the department next year: Pascal Brixel (PhD, University of Chicago) who specializes in Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, and Post-Kantian European Philosophy; Claire Kirwin (PhD, University of Chicago) who specializes in Value Theory (ethics, metaethics, aesthetics); and Claudia Yau (PhD, Princeton University) who specializes in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy. We also welcome two new Postdoctoral fellows: Rowan Mellor (PhD, UCL) who specializes in Normative ethics, Political Philosophy, and practical rationality; and Libby Southgate (PhD, Cornell University) who specializes in Ethics and Philosophy of Education. Although our colleague Richard Kraut is retiring this year, we are delighted that he has been granted “emeritus status” and will keep involved in the life of the department for years to come.
As in past years, our ongoing initiatives open to all members of Northwestern’s undergraduate community include student-run groups such as the Undergraduate Philosophy Society (NUPS) and Women and Gender Nonconforming People in Philosophy (aka WiPhi), as well as the PhilFEST to celebrate senior students who write senior theses in the Honors Program. We’re looking forward to this year’s restart of the Ethics Bowl Team, a student-organized group that competes in ethical adjudication contests at the regional and national levels and is coached by our colleague, Prof. Horne. All these initiatives and activities are only possible thanks to the continued efforts and engagement of the department’s undergraduate community.
To continue making our undergraduate program as vibrant and productive as possible, we constantly think about ways to further improve our students’ experience. These include
- ensuring that students meet the highest standards of scholarship and acquire the needed skills to critically examine complex questions and to communicate effectively both orally and in writing
- providing a greater variety of course offerings so that students can learn from a whole range of philosophical topics and perspectives
- recognizing superlative philosophical work by conferring numerous annual awards for students’ outstanding accomplishments
- supporting research opportunities and providing travel funds to undergraduate students so that they can present at national and international venues
- supporting the Undergraduate Philosophy Society, Women in Philosophy, MAP, Ethics Bowl, etc.
- strengthening connections between our majors and professional networks that can help them jumpstart their professional careers after graduation
- creating more opportunities for faculty, graduate students, and philosophy majors to interact and philosophize in both formal and informal settings
The continued generosity of our alumni enables us to make this department a thriving, energetic, and welcoming environment. Any donation specifically earmarked as a gift to the philosophy department is used wholly to strengthen our programs and activities and to benefit philosophy students. A gift of $1,000, $500, $100, or even $25 makes a considerable difference.
Thank you for your continuing friendship with the Philosophy Department and for your ongoing commitment to Northwestern.
Cristina Lafont
Professor and Chair
To make a gift online, please visit us at www.giving.northwestern.edu. You may also phone in a contribution to the development office at 847-467-3737.
Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Professor of Philosophy and Chair
To make a gift online, please visit us at www.giving.northwestern.edu. You may also phone in a contribution to the development office at 847-467-3737.