Post-graduation Plans of Our Majors and Minors
Tomer Cherki (Honors with Distinction in Philosophy) – As for my future plans, I will be pursuing an MA in philosophy at Hebrew University next year, following which I plan to pursue a PhD in philosophy focusing on philosophy of history and philosophy of religion.
Sofía Stutz (Honors with Distinction in Philosophy, Hull Award for best Thesis) – Sofía will be an English Teaching Assistant near Vienna next year and plans to eventually pursue a graduate degree in philosophy.
John Perales, Jr (Honors in Philosophy & Political Science) – I will be attending Harvard Law School in order to obtain my J.D.
James Herring – After graduation, I am going to attend Christian seminary to train for ministry work! I will be working towards ordination as a minister, though I am open to all kinds of ministry careers.
Asa Geller – After graduation I will be working at Wells Fargo Securities in New York.
Joy Zhao – After graduation, I am doing a one-year internship at the Northwestern Prison Education Program (in a part big thanks to the wonderful Phil 361 that I took with Prof. Lackey in the winter quarter that took place in Stateville), and I am hoping to get a JD/PhD afterwards in Philosophy if everything goes according to plan.
Sangjun Lee – While I will not be attending any Philosophy graduate school in the near future, I will be attending the University of Chicago Law School starting this September. However, I am very open to the idea of pursuing further studies in legal academia, so philosophy is not something I plan to close the door on yet!