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Department Highlights


Why Study Philosophy?

Philosophy books scattered on a table

Philosophy develops critical reasoning skills, clarity in thought and language, and competence in synthesizing a good deal of information into a systematic, coherent picture.  These abilities form a core part of the skill set for anyone who hopes to flourish in a complex, diverse, multicultural world.

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Philosophy Honors Info Night

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Evanston

Join us to learn about the Honors program. Meet current honors students and the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Axel Muell...

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Stephen J. White Collection of Works
Congratulations to Dr. Nathan Lauffer, who successfully defended his dissertation, “Groundwork for a Theory of Epistemic Hygiene.”
Congratulations to Dr. Spencer Paulson, who successfully defended his dissertation, “Epistemic Reasons & Cognitive Self-Monitoring.”
Congratulations to Dr. Regina Hurley, who successfully defended her dissertation, “Inquiry Beyond the Answer-Seeking Conception: Redefining the Nature and Norms of Inquiry.”
Congratulations to Penny Deutscher for receiving the Humbolt Research Award!

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